SAWA strives to help anyone in need across Syria, and occasionally in the United States. Since 1995, SAWA has donated over $1.5 Million to many worthy causes. Below are some of the receipients of the donations. With the current crisis in Syria, your donations are needed more than ever.
2022 Total: $40,000
Bareeq: Provide Syrian relief to Syrian refugees displaced inside Syria, and those in Jordan.
Drop of Milk: Local Syrian charity in Damascus providing humanitarian support and educational services.
2021 Total: $18,000
World Vision: Provide Syrian relief to Syrian refugees displaced inside Syria.
Al-Sakhra: Local Syrian charity in Damascus providing humanitarian support and educational services.

2020 Total: $27,600
UNICEF Syrian Relief Efforts: We supported the Syrian Relief efforts through UNICEF, who with their partners, are still able to provide direct support to children in Syria affected by the conflict. You can visit the UNICEF Partners page to see SAWA listed. You can watch this 'Virtual Tour to Syria" to learn more about their efforts on the ground.
Local Syrian Refugees: Your donations supported Syrian refugees in the Greater Washington, D.C. area by providing them with Giant Gift Cards.
Local COVID-19 Support: Thanks to the generosity and support of one of our major donors, we secured 15,000 masks and donated them to the Adventist Healthcare which operates several hospitals and clinics in the area in support of COVID-19 efforts (10K masks), and the Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board for Fairfax County (5K masks).
2018 Total: 38,200
Karam Foundation: developing innovative education programs for Syrian refugee youth, distributing aid to Syrian refugee families, and funding projects initiated by Syrians for Syrians.
The Collateral Repair Project: Helping Syrian refugee children in Jordan get back to school. Learn more about this initiative:
Mozaic: Helping Syrian refugees resettle in the DMV area.
Al-Mabarrah: Funds were raised to bring clean water to Syrian families returning to their homes in Syria.
2016 Total: $27,000​​
Jusoor: helping Syrian youth realize their potential through programs in the fields of education, career development, and global community engagement.
2014 Total: $60,000​​
AUB Foundation
2012 Total: $34,900.00
Life for Relief and Development
Doctors Without Borders
Syria Relief and Development
Arab American National Museum
2009 Total: $15,000
Al-Ihsan Society - Al-Rikka
2007 Total: $8,000
Drop of the Milk - Damascus
Bana Organization - Damascus
2005 Total: $55,690
Syrian Cancer Society - Damascus
Al-Esaaf Al-Aam Commity - Damascus
2002 Total: $186,800
Cancer Society - Damascus
Al Rajaa fort disable childern - Damascus
Syrian Flood Victim -Zayzoun Dam - Damascus
Victim -Zayzoun Dam - Damascus
Jamiyat Niktat Al Haleeb - Damascus
Dar Al Sherweem Lil Aytam - Damascus
Jamiyat Al Maaukeen - Damascus
Hospital of Jamiyat Itihad Al-Jamiyat - Damascus
Society for Research Prev.Dentistry - Damascus
Al Rajaa fort disable children - Homs
Jamiyat Riaaiet Al-Toufoleh - Latakia
Jamiyat Al-Birr Wal-Khadamat - Latakia
Mosaic Foundation - Washington, DC
1999 Total: $60,000
Al-Mouwasat Hospital - Damascus
1997 Total: $107,635
Al-Hilal Al_Ahmar - Hamah
Jamiyat Maitam Sayed Koureish - Damascus
Jamiyat Souk Sarouga - Damascus
Jamiyat Al-Aamarah - Damascus
Jamiyat Al-Toufoleh - Latakia
Jamiyat Al-Birr Wal-Khadamat - Latakia
Jamiyat Al-Muwasat - Latakia
Jamiyat Al-Hilal Al-Ahmar - Aleppo
Jamiyat Rafii Al-Mistwa Al- Sihhii - Aleppo
Jamiyat Adad Al-Orthodoxieh - Homs
The Evangelical Ladies Welfare - Homs
Al-Hilal Al_Ahmar - Damascus
1995 Total: $70,500
Dar Al-Hanan - Damascus
Himayet Al-ousra - Damascus
Dar Al-Saadeh - Damascus
Jamiyat Al-Mahabeh - Damascus
Al-Hill Al_Ahmar - Damascus
Jamiyat Al-Toufoleh - Latakia
Jamiyat Al-Muwasat - Latakia
Jamiyat Al-Birr Wal-Khadamat - Latakia
New Jersey Mosque - NJ
Islamic Center- Cincinnati - OH
St George Antiochain Orthodox - DC
2019 Total: $13,000
Educational Project for the Syrian Refugees
Syrian Relief Fund / Sonbola: Development and aid to support Sonbola's educational programs addressed towards Syrian children in Lebanon.
2017 Total: $34,000
Women for Women International: Supporting a year-long program that helps Syrian refugee women in Amman overcome emotional The year-long program is designed to help these women overcome severe emotional trauma, learn about their rights, acquire new business and vocational skills, and form networks for support and advocacy
Jusoor: Support the Jusoor Scholarship Program that enables Syrian Youth to continue their higher education abroad.
Collateral Repair: a grassroots effort to bring much-needed assistance to refugees and other victims of war and conflict. Based in Amman, Jordan, their support includes programs for emergency assistance (Food Vouchers), education, health and wellness, women’s empowerment, and youth & children.
2015 Total: $71,487​​​
AUB Foundation
Coat Drive (Burlington Coats sent to refugee camps in Lebanon)
2013 Total: $45,034.00
Camp Zeitouna
Drop of Milk
Doctors Without Borders
Syria Relief and Development
Miscellaneous Clothing Items
2010 Total: $5,000
Bladensburg Rotary Club Foundation - Washington
2008 Total: $494,000
Al Rajaa Society - Al-Rikka
Al-Amal Society - Latakia
Basma Charity - Damascus
2006 Total: $26,000
Mosaic Foundation -Washington, DC
Jamiiat Bashaer Alnour - Latakia
The Benevolence & Social Service Association - Deir Ezzor
2004 Total: $47,500
Greek Catholic Patriarcate - Damscus
Jamiyat Riaat Al-Soumm - Latakia
Jamiyat Kafalet Al-Toufelelh - Aleppo
Rainbow for better Childhood - Damascus
2001 Total: $5,000
American Fund of Afghan Children - Washington
NY World Trade Center Relief Fund - New York
2000 Total: $58,000
Computer to Blind Association - Damascus
Jamiyat Itihad Al-Jamiyat - Damascus
Jamiyat Al Masaaie Al-Khaireih - Lattakia
Jamiyat Riaaiet Al-Toufoleh - Homs
Jamiyat Osrat Al-Ikhaa - Lattakia
1998 Total: $24,500
SOS Villages - Damascus
Jamiyat Al-Mabarah - Aleppo
Jamiyat Almakfofeen - Damascus
Jamiyat Al-Khaireih - Latakia
1996 Total: $42,000
Autistic Society-beit Al-Salam - Damascus
Al-Hilal Al_Ahmar - Damascus